Sunday, February 17, 2013

I'm Curious!

I've been pondering this question for awhile now and finally just have to put it out there.  How much time on the average day do you spend stitching?  I ask this question as it seems everyone has much more time available for stitching that I do.  Every time I take a minute to check into favorite blogs they have pictures of 3 or more finishes.  Really do you women just not sleep?!  I will admit that I enjoyed a couple of hours of glorious stitching on Friday but here it is Sunday afternoon and have yet to put needle to thread.  If all goes according to my plan, which it rarely does, I expect a relaxing Sunday evening of stitching for 3 hours - laughing in my head as I type that one.  Three hours really what am I thinking!  Mama also told me if I was going to dream - dream BIG!

Date night did not turn out as anticipated.  It has been awhile since one of our evenings went astray but thankfully not as astray as the movie "Date Night".  We did get to see Identity Thief and it was just as funny as we anticipated.  The only bad thing was the family sitting next to us who decided to bring 3 small children.  I'm talking 1 baby and 2 under 4.  The adults were interacting with the baby and small children talking as if they were sitting in their own living room.  Grrrrrr!

After that we decided we didn't have enough time to eat at the Food Court and then see a second movie so thought we would go somewhere to have a nice sit down supper.  BIG OLD WRONG!!  Every place we tried had people waiting out the door for a table.  Ended up at a small south side Mexican Restaurant with immediate seating.  It was an early evening as we were home by 8:30 PM.  Oh well it was just nice for me to  have a break from nursing the sick.  BTW Keith is doing much better.  Still has a bit of a cough and drippy nose but let me tell you his activity is certainly back to normal.

I spent this morning getting all the information together for our appointment this week with our accountant to do taxes.  Ugggh!  It is one of the tasks I detest but unfortunately must be done.  Now that I have removed that big old weight from my shoulders I can now move on to laundry - yippee!  I'm saying that sarcastically in case you are wondering.

The picture is from Fons and Porter.  It was a huge double sized wooden cubby where they store fat quarters.  I would settle for a one sided one of my very own.  One of these days I will be at the lumber yard picking up the wood to make one of these.  I wonder where Bill keeps the saws?

This morning I also gathered my supplies together to roll out a batch of egg noodles.  My local grocery store has started selling a Turkey Roast that is just perfect for making delicious homemade turkey and noodles.  I'm afraid I'm a bit of a noodle snob.  My mom always made her own homemade noodles and there is no worthy store bought substitute as far as I'm concerned.  See I told you I was a noodle snob.  Just like previous generations of women in my family I received my rolling pin from my mom when I got married and have been using it every since - 31 years to be exact.  I learned the "art" of making noodles from my mom while still in elementary school.  I think it is another one of those home skills like needlework being lost as the younger generations just are not interested/don't have time.  Some of my fondest memories with my mom were in the kitchen "helping" her cook/bake.  I don't know if the women today know what special memories they are missing a chance to create!

I also got to remove LHN - Sarah Street from my WishList as my friend, Harriet, stitched it already and has loaned me her copy.  THANK YOU!  THANK YOU!


  1. I, too, see all the finishes on other blogs and am just floored by the A) amount of work these women get done in a short time, or B) amount of time these women TAKE to get these beautiful things done.
    Do we make the time or take the time? I think it's a little of both-or maybe not! :) I look all around me and see so many things I need to get done. I blithely imagine all you stitchy women have already gotten ALL your chores and projects finished and then finished such fine stitchy wonders! You're all amazing, just amazing!

  2. I try to stitch everyday. At least a small amount. Don't always accomplish it, but I try.

    I'm still working on my 2nd finish for the year, so things are slower this year than last year. I am thinking of trying an "official" rotation. Not sure about that yet.

    Please make me a cubby too when you make yours :) And would you post your noodle recipe? I made them years ago when the kids were little and they were to die for! But I can't even remember where I got the recipe.


Love to hear your thoughts....