We've been attending a lot of car shows over the weekends and I have taken oodles of pictures. It really has helped me to "get to know" my DSLR better and am consistently getting better photos. My pictures of "things" are still better than my "people" photos but I have not given up hope yet. To that end I have signed up to take a class in October to get to know my camera better. Can't wait.
A new friend, Janice, asked me if I have always liked taking photos. I answered yes without giving it much thought. It was an honest answer as I've had a love of taking photos since I was very young. Her question had me probing my memory and realized my mother started my love of photography. When I was in elementary school, momredeemed her books of Regal stamps at the local HyVee in exchange for a Kodak camera. This was my birthday gift that year. What a lovely memory.
Favorites from car shows...
What a neat post!