Woke up to an absolutely gorgeous day here in Iowa although blustery. The temperatures were very warm, the sun was shining, birds singing and flowers blooming. I can't look at the "hens and chickens" without thinking of this funny story from when my husband and I were dating. His younger brother was dating a young gal who was a bit - well you'll figure it out when you hear the story. We were visiting my hubby's grandmother and were out back where she was showing us her hens and chickens. The young gal thought they were a neat looking plant. Hubby's grandmother asked if she would like to take some hens and chickens home (can you see where this is going?). She thought about it for a couple of minutes and responded she better not as she didn't think her mother would let her have any pets. Thought that might make you smile.
Like the rest of you with Google Reader shutting down I've been trying to decide what my solution will be to keep up on everyone's blogs. I put them all on my Flipboard App and this is working out pretty well but came across this Blogshelf app today I think I might like better. I've subscribed to a dozen of the blogs I follow to give it a test drive to see what I think I'll keep you posted.
Made a new recipe this week called Bacon Egg Spaghetti. You wouldn't think it but it was delicious. Head on over to my cooking blog to check it out. A Stitcher's Snippets Cooking.
Isabelle Vautier looks gorgeous in that frame, lovely :)